By-Law Enforcement
The Municipality of Merrickville-Wolford is committed to providing a professional level of by-law enforcement service and wishes to make the community safe, healthy and an enjoyable place for residents and those who visit the community.
The primary goals of the Municipality by-law enforcement are:
- Public Education and Safety
- Protection of residents’ peaceful enjoyment of their property
- Improvement of the overall appearance of the community
- Improvement of quality of life for residents
Enforcement is conducted on both a proactive and reactive basis but our first approach in enforcement work is education.
Wherever possible, staff work with residents to resolve violations by achieving compliance, ensuring that steps are taken to
resolve the initial violation. Our by-law enforcement team educates, investigates and enforces Municipal by-law including:
By-Law Enforcement
Dogs must be leashed in public areas.
For regulations applying to dogs, see the Village's Licencing, Regulating and Keeping of Dogs By-law (09-2025)
Stoop and scoop always.
The Village of Merrickville-Wolford has an Agreement with the Town of Smiths Falls for shared services for animal control.
However, any complaints regarding dogs running at large, or to report a lost or found dog, must be reported to the Village office first at 613-269-4791 ext 233.
Several departments work together to encourage residents, businesses and visitors to be responsible and respectful and to contribute to the health and safety of our community.
Report an Issue
Reporting a by-law infraction can be done via telephone, email or in-person at the Municipal office.
You must identify yourself when making a complaint as the Municipality is unable to accept anonymous complaints. Please be prepared to provide your name, address and telephone number to staff. The Municipality keeps the identity of every complaint confidential under the Municipal Freedom Of Information and Privacy Protection Act unless the complainant has agreed to be identified.
You can report an issue with the Municipality on a wide variety of by-law enforcement topics and our By-Law Enforcement Officer will follow up with your concern.
Get In Touch
317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0
Phone: 613-269-4791
Fax: 613-269-3095
By-law Enforcement & Protective Services
Phone: 613-269-4791
Fire/By-Law Enforcement
Phone: 613-269-4791 ext 233