Highlights from the January 27th Regular Council Meeting
- The 2025 Operating, Capital and Water & Wastewater Budgets were approved.
- The Borrowing, Interim Tax Levy & Tax Rate By-laws for 2025 were enacted.
- The Winter Maintenance Agreement with Township of Augusta was approved to be executed.
- The Library Lease with Merrickville Public Library was approved to be executed.
- The By-law to Adopt a Body-Worn Camera Policy was approved.
- The Noise, Chip Truck, Yards, and Dog By-laws were all approved and enacted. The Village website will be updated to reflect the new by-laws.
- Council approved the by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) to provide a cost-recovery system for by-law enforcement.
- The draft Property Standards By-law was deferred to Committee of the Whole for further review and consideration.
- Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Coalition.
- Staff were authorized to proceed with the purchase of a transmission assembly for the JCB backhoe and for Public Works to install it.
- The testing of the existing forcemain from Pump Station 1 to Pump Station 2 with a budget of $15,000 to be taken from the Water Reserve was deferred until more information is brought from the Engineer to Committee of the Whole in February.
- Consent Application B-128-24 was endorsed & recommended for approval to UCLG Consent Granting Authority. The application is from Moderna Homes with the proposal involving the creation of 1 new lot & an easement from lands described as Part Lots 1-10, Block 24.
- Council received a presentation from OCWA regarding the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard & the Municipal License. The Operational Plan will be brought back to authorize the signing of the re-endorsement and commitment letter.
- Council received the Departmental Activity Update reports from Finance, Fire Department, Public Works, Administration and By-law Enforcement.
- The Terms of Reference for the Canada Day Committee were approved. A call for volunteers for the 2025 Committee will be sent out.
- Council approved the request from Theatre Night in Merrickville to hang a 50th Anniversary banner on the Community Centre.
- Council received Integrity Commissioner Report 30075-45 & agreed on a reprimand of reminding Mayor Cameron of the Code of Conduct that is to be followed & acknowledge the process that has been implemented to go from Open Session to Closed Session.