The Village of Merrickville-Wolford’s revised Official Plan was adopted by Council through By-law 10-2020 on February 10, 2020. It was approved by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville with a Decision dated on April 22, 2021.
An Official Plan is a legal document under the Planning Act that contains the goals, objectives and policies which guide development in the Municipality. The purpose of the Plan is to guide future growth and development in a logical and orderly manner, and to protect existing development from the adverse effects which may arise from incompatible development. It is intended to promote and protect public health and safety, and preserve those significant natural and cultural heritage resources that give the Village its unique character.
The policies contained in this Plan are intended to be interpreted by Council, at its discretion, in the preparation of municipal regulations such as Zoning By-laws, and in the review of development applications such as plans of subdivision, severances and site plans.
Official Plan Documents

Village of Merrickville-Wolford Official Plan
Appendix B
Schedule A-1
Schedule A-2
Schedule A-3
Schedule B-1
Schedule B-2
Schedule B-3
An Official Plan:
- lets the public know what the province and municipality's general land use planning policies are;
- makes sure that growth is coordinated and meets the community's needs;
- helps all members of the community understand how their land may be used now and in the future;
- helps decide where roads, waste sites, parks and other services will be built;
- provides a framework for establishing municipal zoning by-laws to set local regulations and standards, such as size of lots, or development setbacks from water or quarries;
- provides a way to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses while meeting local, regional and provincial interests; and
- shows Council's commitment to the future of the community.
Get In Touch
317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0
Phone: 613-269-4791
Fax: 613-269-3095
Senior Planner, Jp2g Consultants