Road Maintenance

The following services are typically delivered from May to October:

Dust Control

Calcium Chloride is applied to freshly graveled roads and newly graded roads from May to June. This activity reduces the dust generated from traffic and helps maintain the graded shape of the road in the summer months.


Hot or cold mix material is used in filling potholes, depressions, and to restore road edges.

Roadside Mowing

Roadside grass is cut back from the shoulder in June and July to provide proper driving sight lines.


These activities take place on selected lengths of roadway when drainage is impeded and or growth begins to impose on the driving envelope.


Hard-Top roads and streets are swept in April and May, preferably when wet to keep dust to a minimum


Culverts that direct drainage to the opposite side of the road are replaced when they have corroded and no longer drain properly, and may also be unable to properly support the compressive forces of road traffic.

The Public Works Department is responsible for the sanding, salting and plowing of approximately 100 kilometres of municipal roads, and 4 kilometres with the exception of summer only maintained roads (seasonal). There are six plow routes. Winter control equipment and manpower is available on a continuous basis, 7 days a week, to respond to any winter event. It is the objective of the Public Works Department to conduct its operational activities in an efficient and effective way, so as to provide safe driving conditions on all roads owned and maintained by the Township.


By-law 51-2024 is the approved Winter Maintenance Policy (51-2024)

Snow Accumulation

The minimum standard for clearing snow accumulation is:

  • after becoming aware of the fact that the snow accumulation on a roadway is greater than the depth set out in the Minimum Maintenance Standards, to deploy resources as soon as practical to address the accumulation

  • after the snow accumulation has ended, to address the accumulation so as to reduce the snow to a depth less than or equal to the depth set out in the Minimum Maintenance Standards within the time limit set out

The depth threshold for our roadways is 8 cm and the time limit is from 12 to 16 hours according to the minimum maintenance standards. 

Icy Roads

The minimum standard for treating icy roadways is to deploy resources as soon as practical after becoming aware of the condition or a high probability of the condition, and to treat the roadway within the time set out in the Minimum Maintenance Standards.

Please remember to adjust your driving speed to suit the prevailing weather and road conditions. Thank you for your co-operation.

Winter Parking Restrictions

No person shall place, park, stop or stand an object or vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain placed, parked, stopped or stood on any road between the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. from November 15th in any year to April 15th of the following year, both dates inclusive.

No person shall place, park, stop or stand an object or vehicle or permit a vehicle to be placed, parked, stopped or stood on any road so as to interfere in any manner with the work of removing snow or ice there from and in such a manner as to interfere with highway cleaning operations.

Get In Touch

Village of Merrickville-Wolford

317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0

Phone: 613-269-4791
Fax: 613-269-3095

Brad Cole

Manager, Operations
Phone: 613-269-4791 Ext. 233

Jon McCurdy

Phone: 613-269-4791 Ext. 237

Jennifer McCleery

Administrative Assistant,Fire/Operations
Phone: 613-269-4791 Ext. 236

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:3oam to 4:30pm
Closed daily from 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Office Location

317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0

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Contact Us

Staff Directory

Phone: 613-269-4791
Fax: 613-269-3095

Office Location

317 Brock Street West,
P.O. Box 340
Merrickville, Ontario, K0G 1N0

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:3oam to 4:30pm
Closed daily from 12:00pm to 1:00pm