Enjoy the Canada Day festivities in Merrickville and Eastons Corners on Monday, July 1st! Merrickville Canada Day parade, live music, Lions Club BBQ and more happening in Merrickville from 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastons Corners A BBQ, decorated bike...
Media Release: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness Province recognizing outstanding achievement in the agriculture and food sector TORONTO – The Ontario government is opening nominations for the 2024 Excellence in Agriculture Awards , whic...
Media Release: Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit Take precautions this week during the hot and humid weather Environment Canada has issued a heat warning to last throughout this week. These high temperatures and humidity may affect your...
Please be advised that there will be a Special Meeting of Council on Monday, July 8th at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of hosting a Public Meeting to receive public comments on the proposed heritage designation of McGuigan Cemetery. Written comments may...
Media Releasse: Ministry of Natural Resources The Ontario government is making it easier and more accessible for people to learn how to fish. This summer, the province is expanding its Learn to Fish program, increasing the number of locations and mob...
The Asset Management Plan for non-core assets was approved, meeting the July 1st, 2024 deadline. Building By-law & fee schedule 38-2024 was approved. Zoning By-law Amendment 03-2024, Collar Hill Road, deferred until sanitary allocation, technical rev...
Media Release: Ministry of Natural Resources Fish for FREE across the province June 15-16 In honour of Father’s Day on Sunday, the province is offering free fishing this weekend. “Father’s Day weekend is a great time to get out on one of Ontario’s be...
Media Release: Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Food safety tips when barbequing Barbequing provides a unique flavour to our food. As this type of cooking takes place outside of our kitchens, additional safety precautions need to be t...
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit : As of June 10 th , there will be some changes to the availability of sexual health clinic appointments and services: Brockville clinic will now have extended Thursday hours from 11am-7pm. There will...