WATER SAFETY - Forecasted Precipitation to Increase Water Levels Across Rideau Valley Watershed The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is issuing a WATER SAFETY message for the entire Rideau Valley Watershed. A low-pressure system associated with r...
Are you looking for an opportunity to be involved and participate within the community? There is an open call for volunteers on boards and committees that we encourage residents to apply for! There are currently vacancies on the following boards/comm...
The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit conducted immunization record assessments for students in JK/SK, and for students ages 7 and 17 years old during the previous school year. Having up to date immunization records informs the Health...
Watermain/Hydrant Flushing will take place from August 6-30, 2024 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. As a result of the flushing, water may be slightly discoloured or brown/reddish water. The water is entirely safe, however may not be aesth...
Following a thorough and competitive recruitment process in search of the new permanent CAO, Mayor Cameron and Council are excited to announce that Darlene Plumley has been chosen as the successful candidate to continue leading the Village of Merrick...
Westboro Utility has requested a partial street closure so they are able to cut the street in order to install utility services to the development on Lewis Street
Potentially harmful algal blooms including blue-green algae are a natural seasonal phenomenon that may appear in our lakes, rivers and ponds. Many of these blooms are relatively harmless; however, some species have the potential to produce toxins whi...